1000X1000 Autumn P072h

We all have a garment we’re desperate to keep. A blouse, a sweater or a pair of pants. They may be worn and holed but you can’t part with them.


You don’t have to discard clothes that are worn or holed. There are tons of ways to upcycle clothes and extend their useful life. Upcycling helps reduce consumption and takes some of the pressure off our environment. Upcycling is good for sustainability and helps ensure a better future for Planet Earth.


It’s all about spotting opportunities to upcycle old clothes, i.e. the stuff that means so much to us. At Selfmade®, we like to encourage our customers to have a more sustainable approach. That’s why we got our dressmaking instructor, Amanda Michelsen, to give her take on how you can upcycle and prolong companionship with your old clothes.

1050X2120 New Life For An Old Sweater


Materialer: trøje, kartet uld, filtenåleholder med filtenål, filtepude og garn.



Lokalisér hullet.



Læg filtepuden ind i ærmet, og nål sweateren fast.



Brug filtenålen til at fylde hullet ud. Den kartede uld skal binde de brudte masker, så de ikke løber.



Fyld hullet til du er tilfreds.



Fjern nåle og filtepude, og tråd en broderinål.



Brodér hvad du har lyst til. Her er det små blomster lavet med French Knot og Double Lazy Daisy-metoden.



Brodér så meget du har lyst til – evt. også andre steder på sweateren, for at skabe sammenhæng.


1000X1000 New Life For An Old Sweater 01
1200X800 Ideabook Shelf SS22