Bed cover with piping DIY3032_bedspread_sew.jpg

  1. Bed cover with piping Diy3032-step.jpg
    1.Fabric 1 - Cut out 4 pieces, each 22 x 200 cm Fabric 2 - Cut out 4 pieces, each 12 x 200 cm Fabric 2 - Cut out 2 pieces, each 17 x 200 cm Fabric 3 - Cut out 2 pieces, each 12 x 200 cm Fabric 4 - Cut out 2 pieces, each 22 x 200 cm Fabric 5 - Cut out 2 pieces, each 22 x 200 cm For bed cover lining, cut out 2 pieces, each 135 x 200 cm For piping, cut 3 cm-wide strips of the patterned fabrics across the width of the fabric. Sew the strips together. Make them 200 cm long.
  2. Bed cover with piping Diy3032-step2.jpg
    2.Make your own piping – start by laying 2 fabric strips together at a 90-degree angle. Sew from corner to corner.
  3. Bed cover with piping Diy3032-step3.jpg
    3.Trim seam and press flat.
  4. Bed cover with piping Diy3032-step4.jpg
    4.Fold the fabric strip around the anorak cord. Sew close to the anorak cord using zipper foot and long stitch length.
  5. Bed cover with piping Diy3032-step5.jpg
    5.Sew the piping ribbon onto the right side of the first piece of fabric. Use the zipper foot. Follow the stitching line on the piping ribbon.
  6. Bed cover with piping Diy3032-step6.jpg
    6.Turn the fabric piece with the piping ribbon to the right side. Sew on the next piece of fabric. Follow the same stitching line as the seam
  7. Bed cover with piping Diy3032-step7.jpg
    7.Turn the fabric back to the wrong side. Press the seam. Sew the two parts of the bed cover lining together (1 cm seam allowance) – Press. Lay the bed cover lining over the front, right sides together. Cut off any excess lining fabric. Stitch these pieces together (1 cm seam allowance) – Leave a gap open for turning. Mitre corners. Turn and press. Stitch to close gap.