Book cover DIY3038_book_cover_sew.jpg

  1. Book cover Diy3038-step.jpg
    1.Measure book height (A), circumference (B) and “pocket” depth (C). Cut a piece of fabric measuring: A + 4.2 cm and B + C + C + 4.2 cm. For example: A = 21 cm B = 31 cm C = 12 cm
  2. Book cover Diy3038-step2.jpg
    2.Overlock fabric edges.
  3. 3.Fold the ends of the fabric 1.5 cm onto the wrong side. Stitch firmly.
  4. 4.Fold “pocket" right sides together. Stitch (1.5 cm seam allowance).
  5. 5.Turn to the right side. Work edge stitching 0.3 cm all around the cover. Finally slide the book into its new cover. B + C + C + 4.2 cm seam allowance For example: 31 + 12 + 12 + 4.2 = 59.2 cm

Book cover