Hanging flower basket DIY3000_ampel.png

  1. 1.Cut 4 cords measuring 2 metres in length. Burn the ends so they do not fray.
  2. 2.Gather the cords so they are one on top of the other
  3. 3.Find the centre and pull the centre of all cords through the ring and create a knot so that 8 cords all equal in length hang down from the ring.
  4. 4.Hang the loop on a hook so it is easier to tie the next knots.
  5. 5.Tie knots in the cords two by two to create a total of 4 knots approx. 25 cm from the ring.
  6. 6.For the next section, take a cord from two different knots and tie together two by two approx. 15 cm farther down.
  7. 7.Place your plant pot into the basket and calculate by size how far down the final knot should be tied. The basket can be crafted in countless ways with different knots and beads.