Fastelavn Mariehone

How to make a ladybug costume

This costume can be made on two of our free basic patterns: square or oval. We've sewn the suit up in soft red fleece, which is easy to work with and won't unravel. We have decorated the suit with dots in black felt, which are attached with vliesofix iron-on fixation. 

Tip: apply vliesofix to the felt first. Draw your shape on the paper side of the fusible web, cut it out and iron it onto the costume. This way you only need to cut the shape once.

If you want to upgrade this costume, you could also make a hairband with feelers, for example with black pipe cleaners and pompoms. 


Seamless Carnival Costume

You can make this costume without having to sew anything. That's what we call a quick fix! 

Hero Fastelavn 04